Tuesday, 10 February 2009
My full name.
My name is Keltie Snow.
(pretty appropriate with the current weather situ in the UK)
My parents went a tad wild when I was born, giving me several middlenames, my FULL name is:
Keltie Marley-Rose Isabella Santé Jaimeson-Snow.
Its a bit of a mouthful and sometimes, even I forget it completely. My family mostly call me Marls, which in a way is offensive, as marl is a shade of grey. Am I really that boring? dull? *(Please call me 'Keltie' or 'Kelts')
My name was originally going to be Marley-Rose.
Marley, after the legend that is Bob.
and Rose, after my lovely paternal grandmother Rosemary.
Isabella, my mother is half-Italian, so an Italianish name was appropriate.
Santé, I was born in Santiago in Chile, South America, and I guess my parents don't want me to forget it.
Jaimeson-Snow, yes, a double-barreled surname, how lucky am I? :
Jaimeson is from my fathers Swedish family. They have a rule where they add the word 'son' or 'dotter' onto their childs name or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. But my father added Jaimeson to his surname in the 70s, so the rest of us go that as well.
And Snow is my fathers original surname. Its not even Swedish. so don't know where that originated from.
Then there is Keltie. There's loads of Kelseys, but no Kelties. Knowing my parents, they probably made it up...
Saturday, 7 February 2009
I don't even know what I'm doing
So, inside on a Saturday night. This has to be the first time in 4 months? Or so. The snow, that is yet to melt, is preventing me from going anywhere further than a 5 minute walk.
I stumbled round to the newsagents earlier, bought one of those long sherbet things (you know the ones I mean probably, they’re pink, blue and yellow) for 5p (bargain!), a Freddo for 16p (...whaaaa?!) and some Rainbow Drops for 35p. Surely that’s good; I’ve only spent 56p so far in February. Maybe the snow does have its high points; I haven’t bought a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato at all this week.
Anyway, Ravi was working in the shop today. (He is the boy whose parents own the newsagents; he is half Greek and half Italian and is one GORGEOUS 17 year old.) So I stayed and chatted with him for a while, he made me a lovely cup of tea and we talked about my love for Sky1’s Gladiators, his trip to Rough Trade in London in January and all the records he bought, my weekend trip to Paris with my best friend and her mother just before Christmas, the snow being so deep Ravi’s cat Dylan turned invisible when he stood in it, my plans to redecorate my room, and his university plans after he finishes his A-Levels this summer. It was nice, and he makes a mean cuppa, I’ll give him that.
I stumbled across this earlier today:
Times like this I wish I had the energy and/or enthusiasm to go and get my debit card and enter my details into an order form, but I'm trying to save my 'pocket money'. I love the theatre so much. It’s almost as good as the cinema. And Nigel Harman is in it. He is not only gorgeous but amazingly talented. Perhaps my parents will buy me a ticket....
I feel so lost tonight, I just watched ‘Total Wipeout’ with my parents. Very tempted to go up to my room and watch ‘I'm Not There’, or go down the corridor to the music room and write a song on the piano. But ‘Superbad’ is on, and I'm a sucker for a comedy with a nerdy guy, in this case Michael Cera. He is pretty hot. In a skinny, pale, geeky, ungelled hair kind of way.
everyone seems to be doing these
#1. I have insane body temperature problems; when everyone else is freezing, I'm burning hot. and when everyone else is boiling, I feel like a block of ice.
#2. I notice a guys mouth, height and arms, before I notice anything else.
#3. I can never decide what to do; I am indecisive. About EVERYTHING.
#4. I hurt one of my best friends a year ago today, and I haven’t spoken to him since. I miss him so much, it hurts inside. I felt so much guilt after what happened. But I have a problem that I am too honest.
#5. I get on better with people in their twenties/thirties. People I meet say this is because I grew up surrounded by people who were a lot older. I was the baby of the family. They say I'm very mature compared to my secondary school friends. I think, however, sometimes I'm TOO mature for my own good.
#6. I am horribly opinionated. I am manipulative and cruel with my opinions. But I will give you a chance to speak.
#7. I once told my friend I’d like to spend one night in a prison cell, to see what it was like, she told me not to wish that upon myself.
#8. I've lived in 4 different places: Santiago (south america), Milan, California and London.
#9. I love to read. I read about 2 books a week.
#10. I'm known as ‘alco’ to my close friends. I'm an alcoholic apparently. Although I only drink cider. Magners Original Irish Cider. and in moderation.
#11. I'm also known as the ‘sensible one’ to my close friends. Surely, that’s worrying?
#12. When I was 12, I was really into music and I met Pete Doherty in Camden. He was either drunk or stoned and was shouting abusive language at someone. I walked up to him and stamped on his foot.
#13. I think the Russell Brand-Jonathan Ross-Andrew Sachs scandal was ridiculous. I thought it was funny, but then again, I’ve a very dry sense of humour
#14. I have massive lips. They are like pillows attached to my face. They are 100% natural. The weird thing is, neither of my parents have big lips. So no-one knows where they came from.
#15. My favourite place in the world is the city of Graz in Austria. Its beautiful.
#16. I have HUGE feet. and really long skinny legs. so I look like a clown.
#17. I love sewing. I make nearly all of my friends Christmas presents.
#18. I got my first tattoo when I was just 13. It was done by my lovely cousin who needed someone to practise on. Its a 5-point star on my wrist. and its quite small. I have 3 others: the words ‘we don’t choose love’, ‘310799’, and a tribal print that goes from my ankle down in a triangularish shape to my toes.
#19. I keep scrapbooks of my holidays. I look at them when I feel lonely, or sad. They are guaranteed to make me smile again.
#20. One day I will move back to Italy. This will be when I have lots of savings and feel financially secure. I will buy or rent a really tiny house, with only one bedroom. And a little room for me to sit and paint and read books and write and drink. I will visit all the cities, and maybe even travel to bordering countries to visit their beautiful cities. I will stay there for a minimum of 3 months. I plan to do this before my 24th birthday. I have 8 years to go.
#21. I love Irish accents on guys. and Welsh accents.
#22. If someone can make me smile, then I will love them.
#23. I sort of saved someones life when I was just 9.
#24. I love going to the cinema and sitting in silence for a few hours watching a good film.
#25. There is never any awkward silences between me and my boy. We once sat for 2 hours wrapped in a blanket on a cliff in the Southwest of England, watching the sunset, not saying a word. and it was perfect.
Friday, 6 February 2009
I love clothes

Its simple, and sweet.
+ its age appropriate which would please my parents.
Thinking it would like quite cute with black tights, my black leather ankle boots, and a black cardigan?
I love Topshop.
If you are ever in London, go to Topshop on Oxford Street, and go down to the basement.

My main aim in life is to prove I'm something, something amazing. I'm a dreamer; I know I can achieve my dreams, and I will. The strangers I meet say I'm mature beyond my years. I have a mid-Atlantic accent. Its not English, and its not American.
I'm starting this just for you to know what I'm doing in my life, the films I've been watching, the books I'm reading, the places I go to, the fashion I like, maybe even the restaurants I've eaten at. I will tell you more about me, so we don't feel like strangers, but for now:
My name is Keltie Snow, I am 16 years old.
Its snowing in England