Saturday 7 February 2009

everyone seems to be doing these

thought I'd be a sheep for a change.

#1. I have insane body temperature problems; when everyone else is freezing, I'm burning hot. and when everyone else is boiling, I feel like a block of ice.
#2. I notice a guys mouth, height and arms, before I notice anything else.
#3. I can never decide what to do; I am indecisive. About EVERYTHING.
#4. I hurt one of my best friends a year ago today, and I haven’t spoken to him since. I miss him so much, it hurts inside. I felt so much guilt after what happened. But I have a problem that I am too honest.
#5. I get on better with people in their twenties/thirties. People I meet say this is because I grew up surrounded by people who were a lot older. I was the baby of the family. They say I'm very mature compared to my secondary school friends. I think, however, sometimes I'm TOO mature for my own good.
#6. I am horribly opinionated. I am manipulative and cruel with my opinions. But I will give you a chance to speak.
#7. I once told my friend I’d like to spend one night in a prison cell, to see what it was like, she told me not to wish that upon myself.
#8. I've lived in 4 different places: Santiago (south america), Milan, California and London.
#9. I love to read. I read about 2 books a week.
#10. I'm known as ‘alco’ to my close friends. I'm an alcoholic apparently. Although I only drink cider. Magners Original Irish Cider. and in moderation.
#11. I'm also known as the ‘sensible one’ to my close friends. Surely, that’s worrying?
#12. When I was 12, I was really into music and I met Pete Doherty in Camden. He was either drunk or stoned and was shouting abusive language at someone. I walked up to him and stamped on his foot.
#13. I think the Russell Brand-Jonathan Ross-Andrew Sachs scandal was ridiculous. I thought it was funny, but then again, I’ve a very dry sense of humour
#14. I have massive lips. They are like pillows attached to my face. They are 100% natural. The weird thing is, neither of my parents have big lips. So no-one knows where they came from.
#15. My favourite place in the world is the city of Graz in Austria. Its beautiful.
#16. I have HUGE feet. and really long skinny legs. so I look like a clown.
#17. I love sewing. I make nearly all of my friends Christmas presents.
#18. I got my first tattoo when I was just 13. It was done by my lovely cousin who needed someone to practise on. Its a 5-point star on my wrist. and its quite small. I have 3 others: the words ‘we don’t choose love’, ‘310799’, and a tribal print that goes from my ankle down in a triangularish shape to my toes.
#19. I keep scrapbooks of my holidays. I look at them when I feel lonely, or sad. They are guaranteed to make me smile again.
#20. One day I will move back to Italy. This will be when I have lots of savings and feel financially secure. I will buy or rent a really tiny house, with only one bedroom. And a little room for me to sit and paint and read books and write and drink. I will visit all the cities, and maybe even travel to bordering countries to visit their beautiful cities. I will stay there for a minimum of 3 months. I plan to do this before my 24th birthday. I have 8 years to go.
#21. I love Irish accents on guys. and Welsh accents.
#22. If someone can make me smile, then I will love them.
#23. I sort of saved someones life when I was just 9.
#24. I love going to the cinema and sitting in silence for a few hours watching a good film.
#25. There is never any awkward silences between me and my boy. We once sat for 2 hours wrapped in a blanket on a cliff in the Southwest of England, watching the sunset, not saying a word. and it was perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I loved no 25. You're very lucky to have that with someone.
