Tuesday 10 February 2009

My full name.

So, a little bit about me...

My name is Keltie Snow.
(pretty appropriate with the current weather situ in the UK)
My parents went a tad wild when I was born, giving me several middlenames, my FULL name is:
Keltie Marley-Rose Isabella Santé Jaimeson-Snow.
Its a bit of a mouthful and sometimes, even I forget it completely. My family mostly call me Marls, which in a way is offensive, as marl is a shade of grey. Am I really that boring? dull? *(Please call me 'Keltie' or 'Kelts')
My name was originally going to be Marley-Rose.
Marley, after the legend that is Bob.
and Rose, after my lovely paternal grandmother Rosemary.
Isabella, my mother is half-Italian, so an Italianish name was appropriate.
Santé, I was born in Santiago in Chile, South America, and I guess my parents don't want me to forget it.
Jaimeson-Snow, yes, a double-barreled surname, how lucky am I? :
Jaimeson is from my fathers Swedish family. They have a rule where they add the word 'son' or 'dotter' onto their childs name or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. But my father added Jaimeson to his surname in the 70s, so the rest of us go that as well.
And Snow is my fathers original surname. Its not even Swedish. so don't know where that originated from.

Then there is Keltie. There's loads of Kelseys, but no Kelties. Knowing my parents, they probably made it up...

1 comment:

  1. your name is awesome! so unique. bet youll never find anyone who has the same name as you! and your parents didnt make up keltie. there is a dancer named keltie colleen. :) but serisouly. that is one awesome name!!!! you should be happy. :)
